Wednesday 28 May 2014

Mixed radishes

I've only bought radishes about twice in my life as I've never really fancy the spicy peppery hit they gave. But I was getting impatient since most of the plants I had chosen to grow had at least a two month harvest time and I wanted to find something that gave me results sooner. Most sources said radishes took about two weeks so that was enough for me to ignore my past memories to add them to my seed list.

Since I didn't know which type I wanted, I picked a mixed pack that said it had three different varieties from I sowed some in terracotta pots and some in the hanging baskets that nothing seemed to grow well in. Two weeks passed but the radishes were a bit small to pick but the following week, there were some nice sized ones. 

To my delight, the ones in the hanging basket grew faster than the ones in pots plus they were out of reach from slugs that chomped up their peppery leaves. A nice little surprise was finding not just three varieties, but six! There could be even more but to my untrained gardener's eye, I can only spot these different and beautiful ones.

Mixed radishes
Now to the other important bit, the taste. The sharp, slightly unpleasant kick when eating raw was still as I remembered, but when mixed into a salad with the thin slices soaking up the dressing, that kick mellows out a lot and provides a delicious accompaniment and a lovely textural crunch. My sister has been around for visit this week and have been adding radishes to the lavish salads she loves to make and they are now a little crunchy favourite we look forward to.

Salad leaves, apricot, radishes, raisins, almonds, pine nuts, olive oil, balsamic vinegar, honey, pepper, salt

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