Sunday 31 March 2013

Simple Apple Oatmeal Crumble - no buttery fingers!

I've always loved a good crumble but always didn't like the rubbing in part where you had to rub the butter and flour together to make the crumble. My fingers and fingernails would always ended up with sticky clumps and would take a long time to scrub them clean. 

So when I came across this recipe that showed just a good stir to make a crumble, I was all up for trying it out. It's also a great way to use up bruised and slightly old apples. Sure, the published image didn't look appealing but I knew better than to judge a recipe just by its photo. Another thing I liked about it was the fact it had oats which I thought added a good addition of texture, taste, and made it just that little bit healthier - which we love. Any excuse to justify eating pudding!

Individual portion of apple crumble with a dollop of yoghurt.
Of course, with most recipes we do jig them here and there to make them more suitable for our household so we reduced the amount of sugar, increased the amount of oats and flour, and we never found that there was enough crumble for the top and bottom so we just have it on the top. So this is our version.


  • 4/5 apples cored and chopped/sliced (we never bother to peel them)
  • 1 cup brown sugar
  • 1 1/4 cup rolled oats
  • 1/2 cup plain flour
  • 3/4 cup wholemeal flour
  • 1/2 cup butter, melted (about 115g - I find it hard to measure butter in cups)
  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon


  • Preheat to 175 degrees C
  • If you are using a metal tray, line it with baking parchment. If you use a ceramic one, there is no need to.
  • Spread the chopped/sliced apples at the bottom of the tray. Sprinkle cinnamon over the apples. If you like cinnamon, you can add more to the crumble mixture.
  • In a large bowl, combine brown sugar, oats, flour and butter. Mix until crumbly.
  • Spread the crumble even over the apples.
  • Put into the tray in the oven for about 40 minutes under golden brown.
  • Serve with a dollop of yogurt, or if you deserve it, a scoop of ice cream!
Apple Crumble straight out of the oven.
Apple crumble with yogurt and a swirl of vanilla paste

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Saturday 30 March 2013

Beetroot Pizza

Haven't made this in a while but since we bought beetroot last week at the market, it was a good choice for our first pizza in our flat. It was made with wholemeal dough, cooked and pureed canned tomatoes, grilled beetroot and mozzarella. Simple but very delicious!

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Sunday 24 March 2013

First Sourdough Bread

It's our second weekend in our new home and since the unpacking, arranging, cleaning, and other chores are mostly done, we have time to make a bread. Definitely not the first time we have made this but the first in this kitchen.

And the oven took a bit of time to figure out the controls but so far, it's been very good. But the big test for it was how it would baked bread. With simple sourdough - 60% wholemeal, 40% white, we tried it out.

Dough in proving basket

Just after scoring

Just out of the oven

And finally the massive finished loaf.

The oven definitely passed the test! 

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Our terrace

A little snow on the terrace this weekend. Very pretty but too cold and wet to go out to start any of my garden chores. Looking forward to the weather warming up.

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Sunday Lunch

Some of our buys from today's farmers market trip which made a wonderful lunch.

Grilled pork and apricot sausages, mushrooms, beetroot, mixed salad and toasted quinoa bread.

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Queen's Park Farmers Market

Today was our first trip to Queen's Park Farmers Market. We have been going to the Marylebone Farmers Market for many years and one of the things that encouraged us to move to Queen's Park was that it also had a Farmers Market. Since we've never been to it before, it was both exciting with a hint of trepidation that it might not be as good as the Marylebone one. With the news of snow all across the country, we were expecting not many stalls but were happy to be wrong.

I'm not sure if any stalls didn't make it but there were more stalls than the Marylebone market. There were lots of meat sellers, from free range chicken to duck sausages but was most impressed with this fish stall. 

There were three bread stalls but we usually make our own but good when we don't have the time. Comparatively not as many vegetable sellers and I would like more, but sufficient. All in all, very happy with the market and look forward to visiting it every Sunday.

Wednesday 20 March 2013

The Big Move

After years of living in a Central London flat just off Oxford Street, we finally made a huge move to Queens Park. It's a change we have been waiting for a very long time and we are finally here! We can make all the things we love to make after work and during the weekends with even more joy than before. 

Our old kitchen was separate from the dining room so whoever was cooking and washing up was always a bit isolated.  Growing plants was always a tricky situation as we were on lower ground level so there wasn't much light. In our new flat, it has an open plan kitchen, more useable countertop space (great for kneading bread!), on the upper floors so our plants can have lots if natural light, and best of all, there is an roof terrace for growing vegetables! It is also slightly bigger so there's more things to make to furnish it. Although we must be careful not to over clutter it, which is a natural tendency of mine. So we hope to blog our progress over the next few months.