Saturday 8 February 2014

Sourdough bread and butter pudding

We make bread almost every week and sometimes we don't finish it all before the next fresh load arrives so we sometimes do toss little ends away - which is such a waste! We did previously whizzed them into breadcrumbs but ended up not using them for months. But one day, wanting a slight change from our family favourite Apple crumble, we thought, why not try a bread and butter pudding since we did have quite a bit of bread to finish up.

We never did make it before because we always had in mind it was quite a heavy dessert, needing a lot of ingredients which we would normally want to use in our other dishes. Most recipes used quite a few eggs and we only had one we had to do a good hunt but we found a good simple one in the end! Which was anothergood thing because I never like using too many eggs in a dessert as I prefer to save them for my savoury dishes.

A serving of bread and butter pudding with a side of yogurt

As usual we adapted the original recipe just a little.


  • 300-400g of stale sourdough bread, sliced
  • 275ml milk
  • 55g butter, melted
  • 55g soft brown sugar
  • 1 egg
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon
  • a handful of raisins
  • 1 apple, sliced or grated


  • Preheat oven to 180C.
  • Sprinkle some raisins at the bottom of your tray. Place the sliced bread over the top to make a layer. Repeat this process to make at least 2 layers. If using sliced apple, distribute the slices.between the layers as well. Try not to have the fruit on the top as it will burn more easily.
  • Mix all the other ingredients in a bowl. If using grated apple, this can be incorporated here as well.
  • Pour the mixture over the bread and fruit.
  • Pouring in the wet mixture
  • Leave to soak for about 30 minutes.
  • Place in the oven and bake for about 45 minutes until the top is crispy and dark brown.
  • Serve whilst hot.

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