Sunday 2 February 2014

DIY Plant Propagator (Year 2)

Last year was my first year of vegetable planting made possible because we moved to a flat with some outside space, but I started late as we moved in March and only managed to start sowing seeds in April. This year, I was determined to start as early as possible. So after the compost delivery arrived, I got to work popping them into green seed trays that I bought. Felt a bit guilty buying them since last year I was good and made little newspaper pots. But this year, due to wanting to get some produce earlier, I'm taking a shortcut.

Compost in seed trays
Still used the muji boxes that I used last year and I total love using them as I can stack them and shift them around following the sun to get as much light and heat to start up those seeds.  

Muji propagator boxes 

Here a few seedings doing well after a couple of weeks after.

Mixed salad seedlings

Cucumber, courgettes, french bean and tomato seedlings
Pea seedlings

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