Wednesday 17 April 2013

DIY propagator update

It's always a bit nerving returning back from a trip away from home. We've had a few experiences with dreaded leaks and other unwanted issues so it was a relief nothing drastic awaited us. Of course, there are always a few plants that don't survive too well and the old flat hardly got any sun so lack of water was never too much of an issue. But I should confess, I didn't do a thorough watering with the usual the rush to leave on time.

So amongst the few shrivelled plants which will maybe resurrect, I was looking forward to what I had sowed in my homemade seed propagator. 

Steamy propagators

The two boxes were filled with condensation and I was fearful everything would just be covered in mould but to my joy, there were quite a lot of seedlings emerging. So far cherry tomatoes, peas, chilli, okra, oregano.

First seedlings

A fifth of pots had a layer of mould on them but they should dry and die off in time. I'm pretty excited but not sure if I should leave the lids on or off.

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