Friday 12 July 2013

New found treat... broccoli leaves

We buy and eat broccoli pretty regularly so it was on the list of things to grow this year. What the shops and markets usually supply are florets so that's what we have been eating. Since we were growing our own and eager to try anything edible so we added them to our plate of dinner greens. Apart from the fact that they cook well, taste good, grow quickly and plentiful, the slugs also seem avoid them!

The florets are the flower head of the broccoli so won't show up for a while in our plot, maybe in a few weeks or even months. But I'm really happy eating the leaves and wonder what the farmers/shops do with their leaves. 

I hope they don't just go into a compost heap. I've seen them once in a while in our local farmer's market but I think shops should really start selling not just the florets, but also the leaves.

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