Friday 12 July 2013

We have pigeons!

Since we've moved in, I've noticed pigeons landing on other roofs but not ours but recently, there have been signs that they have arrived... Tuffs of coco lining from a planter, strawberry tops out of the compost bin, and droppings scattered around the terrace. Thankfully, I think they didn't meddle with the strawberries on the plants but I think they might be culprits who nipped of my first pea flower shoot.

I then remembered that the previous owners had a cat and thus their avoidance until now. They must have been spying for a while and finally picked up the courage to land (and destroy).

So whilst we would love a cat, it's not something we can afford to have so after the 3rd day of coco lining bits floating around, we made the hasty decision of hanging old CDs around the terrace.

DIY bird scarer
Not the most attractive thing and sometimes feels a little like a discoteque rather than a calm green environment, but it's preventing the pigeons from landing. 

We also put a small dish of dried cloves, chilli and pepper near the coco liner planter just in case they get brave. Don't know how long the CDs will keep them away but will try to change their placement once in a while. So for the moment, we (don't) have pigeons! 

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